

PrimAccurate™ digital control technology at the heart of advanced off-line power conversion solutions

Our AC/DC converter products offer both stand-alone digital controllers and digital controllers with integrated power devices to provide an AC/DC power supply for a wide variety of applications from power adapters for portable electronics to power supplies for networking equipment and home appliances.

  • 独立的数字控制器和数字控制器,具有集成电源设备,用于嵌入式系统,包括PrimAccurate™和AccuSwitch™技术,以减少外部部件的数量。
  • 包含PrimAccurate™技术的转换器可以精确控制二次侧电压,以提供各种应用的AC / DC电源。雷竞技安卓下载
  • Dialog的Rapid Chare™产品通过雷电竞官网登录USB通过支持Qualcomm®QuickChark™2.0技术和Mediatek Pump Express™协议来实现便携式设备的更快充电。
  • Dialog的PrimAccurate™AC / DC转换器和控制器提供超低的空载待机功率,高效率和快速动态负载响应,以实现高性能,同时满足严格的全球能效标准。
  • Using PrimAccurate™ technology, we enable highly reliable AC/DC converters for networking applications by eliminating the need for an optocoupler to improve system efficiency and lower overall BOM size and cost.
  • PrimAccurate™ technology enables rugged solutions for Smart Meters, eliminating components susceptible to failure like optocouplers and Y-caps. The converters also offer near zero stand-by power consumption and high efficiency at full load.


对话框的AC / DC产品包含雷电竞官网登录PrimAccurate™技术,可以精确控制来自隔离电源的初级侧的二次侧电压,而无需光隔离物;提高可靠性,降低尺寸,降低总BOM成本。

我们的投资组合的AC / DC转换器如何ge of the patented PrimAccurate™ control technology. This technology uses proprietary digital algorithms that perform real-time waveform analysis to monitor the output voltage and current through an auxiliary winding on the main transformer instead of using direct feedback from the output voltage (isolated or non-isolated).

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