Role of the Board and Matters Reserved

Role of the Board and Matters Reserved

Corporate Governance

Board of Directors Role and Responsibilities

由于Dialog是在英国注册成立的,并遵循有关英国联合守则和其他最佳实践治理原则的治理原则,因此它保持单一董事会结构。董事会全面负责公司的领导、控制和监督。公司的日常管理职责已由董事会委派给首席执行官,首席执行官对董事会负责。首席执行官通过雷电竞下载app执行管理团队. 此外,董事会的一些职责被委派给董事会的下属委员会;详情如下。


Matters Reserved for the Board

While the Board has delegated day-to-day responsibility for the management of the Company to the Chief Executive Officer, certain matters are formally reserved for the Board.The Board of Directorshas overall responsibility for Company objectives, strategy, annual budgets, risk management, acquisitions or major capital projects, remuneration policy and corporate governance. It defines the roles and responsibilities of the Chairman, Chief Executive, other Directors and the Board sub-committees. In addition, the Board approves the quarterly financial statements and reviews the Company’s systems of internal control. It approves all resolutions and related documentation put before Shareholders at general meetings.



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