


Customized Supercapacitor Interface Circuitry for Different Applications


To effectively design with supercapacitors, supporting interface circuitry for the following functions is typically required:

  • 活性细胞平衡
  • 超级电容器充电和放电
  • Maintaining a Fixed Output Voltage
  • Electrolyte Dry-Up Detection
  • Monitoring Ripple Current and Temperature
  • 反向Voltage, Overcharging & Short Circuit Protection


格林帕克好处for Supercapacitor Interface Circuitry


  • 为您的特定超级电容器选择和系统管理定制定制解决方案
  • Completely configurable Asynchronous State Machine, logic, and I/O
  • Programmable thresholds and timing ensures everything is optimized for your system

Small Size

  • 选择最小的GreenPak部分,以1.2mm²起的尺寸满足您的需求
  • Configure only the functions you require to make efficient use of GreenPAK IC resources
  • Eliminates the need for many external setting components

Low Cost

  • Competitively-priced GreenPAK solutions open new markets as they enable supercapacitor technology in previously cost-prohibitive applications

Example Supercapacitor Interface Circuits




Supercapacitors that are rated for 5.5V are often a stack of two cells with a rated voltage of 2.7V each. Similarly, higher voltage supercapacitor modules (e.g. rated for 48V or more) have even more stacked cells to achieve their rated voltages. Cell balancing is required to ensure that each cell stays within its rated voltage because inevitable cell mismatches will cause overvoltage fault conditions during operation. A simple modular supercapacitor active cell balancing solution using GreenPAK is shown inFig. 1and the corresponding GreenPAK design implementation is shown inFig. 2

Key Design Considerations

  • 当超级电容器上的电压达到其充电阈值时,有源电池平衡电路允许电流流过平衡电阻。GreenPak具有模拟比较器,具有电压参考,可以为特定的应用要求配置。
  • 为了发出信号过充电,如果超级电容器两端的电压保持太高,则可以配置标志输出以高于设置时间段。GreenPak完全可编程的CNT / DLY块提供了具有各种时序配置的灵活性。
  • Each cell balancing module can be stacked on top of each other to create a system that can charge several stacked supercapacitors in series.
  • The ESD diode is optional, but is recommended for applications where the supercapacitor is removable by the user.

Figure 1. Supercapacitor Active Cell Balancing Circuit

Figure 2. GreenPAK Active Cell Balancing Implementation


具有集成电源开关的GreenPak可以配置为充电和排出1个单元超级电容器,如图所示Fig. 3circuit and correspondingFig. 4GreenPak设计实施。

Key Design Considerations

  • 一个超级电容器电源管理电路应该charge a supercapacitor up to a pre-determined voltage and then discharge it when the main voltage supply drops below a set voltage. Every GreenPAK includes several GPIOs, Look Up Tables, ACMPs, and counters which can be configured to do this.
  • In order to allow an external host controller to determine when to begin charging the supercapacitor, the GreenPAK can be easily configured to receive a Charge_EN signal on one of its GPIO pins.
  • It’s common to have a bypass mode which powers the load directly from the main power supply, a charging mode to charge the supercapacitor, and a discharging mode when the supercapacitor must power the load. Users can customize GreenPAK to implement all of these modes as shown inFig. 4

Figure 3. 1-Cell Supercapacitor Charging Circuit

Figure 4. GreenPAK 1-Cell Charging Implementation