对话框的夏季2019年阵容阵容:三星Galaxy Fit,首次汽车IC和新的PMIC系列


对话框的夏季2019年阵容阵容:三星Galaxy Fit,首次汽车IC和新的PMIC系列

Its been a busy summer at Dialog, with one major product announcement after another coming out over the last couple months, showing how ourrayapp0 SOCS正在新客户,在新应用程序中部署,并继续推动电源管理和连接的界限。雷竞技安卓下载


三星敲击了Galaxy Fit的DA14697

In July we announced that三星已经实施了对话框的DA14697进入其最新的Galaxy Fit,使其成为市场上的第一个可穿戴物之一,利用对话的无线微控制器单元(MCU)进行BLE连接和更强大的电池寿命。

With the Galaxy Fit’s wide range of features – from fitness tracking to sleep analysis to stress management – Samsung needed a power management solution that would ensure the wearable could keep up with user expectations as wearables continue to advance. At the same time, that solution also needed to deliver seamless connectivity that could ensure the wearable would quickly and easily sync with users’ smartphones for notifications and messages. As a member of theDA1469x SmartBond™ line– our most advanced, feature-rich range of multi-core MCUs for wireless connectivity, perfectly suited for wearables – the DA14697 checked off all the boxes for Samsung.


Then in August, we announced the SLG46620-A, the首先可配置的混合信号IC击中汽车市场. With the industry rolling out new vehicles making use of advanced safety, comfort and self-driving capabilities, automakers have a greater-than-ever need for integrated circuits that can support all of these functions – and do so in a way that doesn’t drive up costs, like current ICs and discrete implementations do. TheSLG46620-A.addresses those challenges by providing a CMIC solution that replaces dozens of components in automotive applications for greater design flexibility, optimized power footprints and reduced BOM costs.


我们宣布关闭东西一个全新的产品系列in September, spanning the DA9217, DA9220, DA9121 and DA9122. This new line marks Dialog’s first sub-PMIC family with 4MHz switching frequency, best-in-class transient response and circuit digital programmability, and a smaller form factor compared to any other solution currently on the market. The new sub-PMIC family boasts 50% fewer external components, enabling them to reduce total solution size by up to 40% and making them ideal for applications like smartphones, tablets, DSLR cameras and solid-state hard drives, to name just a few.

留到我们的博客,了解更多新闻和即将推出的产品公告。与此同时,确保注册此秋季SmartBond技术巡回赛例如,有机会通过我们的DA1469x SmartBond BLE设备获得某些特写镜头,妥善动手的时间。