A Fresh New Look for Microcontrollers and their Memory Architectures

A Fresh New Look for Microcontrollers and their Memory Architectures

连接的“东西”正在进入我们生命的各个方面。在这些内容中 - 例如可穿戴设备,家庭监控节点和工业控制器 - 微型嵌入式处理器可以实现越来越受约束的形式因素和动力信封中的高级功能。同时,许多嵌入式应用需要连接堆栈,音频处理和视觉处理,以及AI和雷竞技安卓下载机器学习算法。这些函数的可执行代码的数量已经发展到大小。

This presents a challenge for designers of edge devices: how can they architect a system that achieves the needed performance and memory space needed to execute that considerable amount of code within extremely low power and area envelopes?

Many MCU vendors are looking at new architectures to address evolving computation needs. One example is NXP’s i.MX RT series of ‘Crossover Processors’ which combine the higher CPU speeds, multimedia interfaces and expandable memory of an applications processor into an MCU form factor designed for low cost and fast development time.

关于NXP的交叉处理器的一个特别有趣的事情是它们不包括内部闪存;相反,他们依靠外部闪存,使它们能够根据应用程序的要求支持任何大小的代码和数据存储空间。这种设计灵活性是这种架构带来的几个优点之一。拆除内部闪光灯还允许处理器设计有一个支持更高速度的更优化的过程节点。它还降低了处理器的成本和BOM。代码可以直接从外部闪存执行。这被称为执行到位或XIP。XIP启用快速启动并从睡眠模式唤醒,因为代码和数据即时可用,不需要复制到RAM。这当然还节省了电力。并且通过利用处理器的指令/数据,缓存XIP保证在使用内部RAM中的性能下不得远低于性能。 By considering XiP from the start of the chip design process, engineers can build a system designed for memory expansion – providing the scalability needed to support next-generation connected applications.



The combination of EcoXiP and the i.MX RT1050 crossover processor provide the embedded platform needed to conquer the challenges of future embedded design. Together with NXP, we’ve developed a whitepaper that provides an overview of how performance and usability are addressed for systems depending on external memory.


想尝试Adesto的Ecoxip和NXP i.MX RT系列交叉处理器的组合吗?我们提供评估套件(EVKS)具有eCoxip八级闪存配对与NXP的高性能I.MX RT1050交叉处理器可以从当地的Adesto经销商购买Ecoxip EVK,或者您可以直接联系Adestoecoxip@adestotech.com.

如果您的性能要求更适中,您应该考虑EVK为新的经济高效的NXP I.MX RT1015, which features a Quad interface with Adesto’s 128Mbit, 133MHz Quad flash memory on-board.