

S3半导体公司参加了今年的卫星表演3月12日至15日在华盛顿特区。我们的射频技术负责人科马克·奥沙利文(Cormac O'Sullivan)从展会中获得了一些关键见解。

  • It’s time to take small satellites seriously!
    • Moving from academic projects or limited mission capability to commercially viable and reliable systems enabled by the new breed of launcher’s like those atSpaceX,来自商业现货(COTs)系统,来自摩尔定律的成果,以及来自S3semi等供应商的定制ASIC
    • 只是因为他们小并不意味着他们不能可靠!一个3U立方体卫星是非常大,当你谈论CMOS集成电路房地产!
    • Elizabeth Driscoll (GOMspace)从S3半赞歌表唱,当谈到可靠性正在设计中。冗余和从混乱中快速恢复可以成为实现可靠性的途径。
  • 很多关于电子控制天线阵列的讨论
    • 各向同性系统made a big launch splash with interesting technology joining the likes ofPhasor在显示相控阵天线时
    • ViaSat宣布与o3b/SESwith their proprietary antenna systems in phased array antennas
    • mmWave CMOS是这项新技术的关键推动者,在成本至上的情况下,每个主动控制/扫描天线最多有数千个元件
    • S3semi has innovative CMOS IP available and in development in this area.
  • 狮子座的巨型星座就快到了
    • 随着发射卫星的新经济性和小型卫星的更高性能将通过这些庞大的系统带来新的服务,这是一个激动人心的时刻
    • 高吞吐量低轨卫星意味着可操纵天线和各向同性系统宣布与万维网.
  • 工业物联网与卫星相遇
    • Craig Malone at Orbcomm presented a very interesting overview of the Industrial Internet of Things and M2M communication enabled by Orbcomm’s LEO/GEO hybrid system.

Overall it was a really busy and interesting show and it was great to see plenty of S3 Semiconductors customers on the floor showcasing their hardware, enabled by custom chips from S3semi inside. The future is bright for custom silicon and the opportunities that our customers can develop with mmWave CMOS custom chips.